VanossGaming Net Worth

Evan Fong created a famous VanossGaming channel on YouTube back in 2011. At one point, he had even more subscribers than PewDiePie. As of 2023, VanossGaming has over 13.6 million of subscribers. Fong amassed an incredible fortune thanks to his huge online traffic. VanossGaming’s net worth is currently about $5.5 million. What an accomplishment for someone in his early twenties!

How Did VanossGaming Get So Rich?

Evan’s life was quite normal just a few years back. He pursued a college degree in economics and was trying to get an athletic scholarship for ice-hockey. But what was originally only a hobby, his YouTube channel about computer games, started to earn an incredible amount of money. Fong decided to leave the university and focus full-time on his VanossGaming channel. He also uses VanossGaming as his own nickname.

The channel covers wide variety of topics, with games like Call of Duty and Titanfall being one of the most popular ones. As of 2023, Evan started to appear in mainstream media, when he surpassed 10 million subscribers and continued to grow. His net worth originates mostly from online advertisement. This powerful source of income enables EVan to live without steady job and/or salary. Although he understands early fears his parents expresses when they found out that he’s quitting school. It was certainly a risk but in his case it paid off.

Computers and gaming aren’t only Aven’s hobbies. He loves ice hockey and plays guitar. His ancestry is half Korean and half Chinese. He lives in Ontario, Canada. On April 2015, VanossGaming signed a deal with Jetpak, a multi-channel network. They should help him with producing high-quality content and other things in exchange for undisclosed percentage from his earnings.

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