FaZe Adapt Net Worth

FaZe Adapt is a director of popular gaming/vlogging group known as FaZe Clan. His real first name is Alex. Main focus of the group is Call of Duty video game but they are doing also lot of praks, challenges, vlogs, and aother videos on their respective channels and FaZe Adapt is no exception. His total net worth is about $1.4 million as of 2023.

How Did FaZe Adapt Get So Rich?

Alex was born on June 5, 1997 in Arizona. He has four sisters, Milan, Paris, Sydney, and Vienna. We are not kidding. His parents must love those cities, right? FaZe Clan has many devoted fans and also a many people who can’t stand them. But one thing is for sure….they are the biggest name in Call of Duty fandom.

FaZe Adapt is dating a beautiful girl since 2014. The name of his girlfriend is Adrianna Scalley. She also appears on some of Adapt’s videos, such as Yoga Challenge with Girlfriend! which in fact became his most popular upload ever, gaining over 6.7 million views in one year.

She also appeared on How Well Do I Know My Girlfriend?, Twister Challenge with Girlfriend, and Videos Gone Wrong. Main source of income is definitely online advertisement for Faze Adapt. So getting a lot of views on his videos, helps to boost his net worth. We thin he should give Adrianna some percentage from that.

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