16 Alcoholic Drinks That Won’t Make You Bloated, Perfect For Summer!

Do you ever get bloated when you drink alcoholic drinks? Some drinks will make you bloat worse than others. And there’s nothing more un-sexy than feeling bloated and having to take time out to recover. A simple solution is to quit the alcoholic drinks and stick to a fruit juice or mocktail, yet if you really want to drink then let us point you in the right direction.

For example, drinks that contain wheat, yeast, and gluten, such as beer, are some of the worst choices. While drinks that are distilled, such as vodka or gin, can be enjoyed without adding that extra bloated feeling to your night. Here is a list of beverages we recommend ordering the next time you want to feel your best at a girls night out.

1. Tequila on the rocks

Tequila definitely isn’t all about taking shots. And while you might miss tequila in a margarita or mixed with some type of fruit juice, that’s far more likely to make you bloat. Enjoying some tequila on the rocks (with a little bit of water to lessen the blow) is not only consumed at a slower rate, which means you drink less, but it also has fewer carbohydrates.

2. Vodka and seltzer

Usually it’s the added sugars, sweet juices, and mixers that can make you feel bloated. Try mixing vodka with some seltzer instead. Unlike more common vodka drinks such as vodka cranberries and vodka tonics, seltzer contains no added sugar and should not make you bloat.

3. Red wine

The best types of drinks to consume when you are trying to avoid bloating are the ones that don’t contain gluten or wheat. Red wine is a good example as it contains absolutely no wheat and also contains tanins, which are said to be good for your heart. No bloating and a healthy heart? More great reasons to drink red wine.

4. Michelada

If you love spice and hot sauce, then this may be the bloat-free drink for you. This one is easy to make at home too, and won’t have you feeling bad after you drink it we promise. Start off with some light beer and add of all things Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, pepper, a little bit of sea salt. Then just pour over ice KABAM!

5. Bloody Mary

Similar to Michelada is the famous bloody mary. This is also a low-calorie beverage best enjoyed in the morning. Start with an unflavored vodka and add a low-sodium tomato or some vegetable juice. Again with the Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, horseradish, and some pepper and ENJOY.

6. Seabreeze

Want something sweet that is less than 180 calories? Then here’s a vodka drink that you should try. Mix vodka with a bit of grapefruit juice and a splash of cranberry juice. To avoid bloating stick to juices that are either freshly squeezed or low in added sugars and high in vitamins and minerals. The trick here is to add water or club soda and ice to dilute the cocktail which reduces the quantity of sugary juice that can cause you to bloat.

7. Tequila soda

This is a simple one for you to try. Take your favorite tequila and combine it with some seltzer water. Top it off with some lemon and limes and you have a delicious low-cal tequila drink that may be your new replacement for a margarita.

8. Corona Light

Corona light, similar to many other light beers is much lower in calories, with only around 104 calories a bottle. The beer has a bit of a sweeter taste as well, making it one of our favorites of the light beers. Some people actually say they like the taste of this light version of Corona more than the regular one. So you may want to give it a try. There are also Corona cocktails that you could try for variety.

9. Vodka gimlet

Martini’s usually consist of added syrups, sugars, and juices that can leave you feeling bloated. If so and you still want to drink a martini, try this gimlet. Made with Absolut Citron vodka and two ounces of lime juice you can’t go wrong with this vodka drink.

10. Gin and tonic

This classic includes an ounce of gin and three ounces of tonic water totaling only about 100 calories. Add a bit of lime for flavor and you have an easy-to-make beverage that won’t have you feeling bloated.

11. Michelob Ultra

If you are beer lover, but want to avoid the bloat, then you do still have options. Beer is generally not the best choice of drink if you’re looking to not feel bloated after consuming it. However try opting for a light beer, like Michelob Ultra. It’s only 95 calories and tastes similar to the original.

12. White wine (not the bubbly kind)

Red wine is a better choice if you don’t want to end up feeling bloated. However we understand that red wine isn’t for everyone and sometimes white goes better with your chosen meal. Just make sure it’s not bubbly prosecco or champagne, and keep it in moderation to feel fine.

13. Gin on the rocks

The best way to avoid feeling bloated is to drink beverages like vodka, tequila, and gin on the rocks. By doing this and holding the mixers, you don’t consume sugars, wheat or carbonation. Those are the enemies because they can make you gassy or give you that full bloated feeling.

14. Jack and diet coke

Almost everyone loves the classic jack and coke, but although delicious, it is full of carbs, mainly because of the soda. An easy and health alternative is to drink Jack and diet coke. By just switching the regular coke to diet coke the cocktail no longer has carbohydrates and is only about 100 calories.

15. Bud Light Lime

Bud Light Lime is a great beer that could be a better option as opposed to a regular beer that can often cause bloat. This light beer is only about 100 calories and has the great added flavor of lime without even needing to squeeze one!

16. Heineken Light

Heineken Light is fairly odorless and is much better for you if you usually suffer from bloat when drinking regular beer. Checking in at less than 100 calories, this light beer is the perfect refreshing drink to close out our list. I hope you have learned some good alternative drinks where it’s beer, cocktails or wine.


It’s no secret that alcohol isn’t the best thing for your health and can have you not feeling, or looking, your best. It can make you feel tired, sick, or bloated. These are some of the most annoying things that can happen when you are trying to enjoy a night out with your friends, on vacation at the beach or when you’re on a date. Don’t worry, this does not mean you need to stop drinking completely. Fortunately, there is a variety of drinks to choose from, which can have different effects on your body. Whether you love wine, beer or hard liquor, there are healthy options for everyone.

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